Thursday, May 19, 2011

Holy crap, it's been a month already?

Where does the time go...

I took a vacation, we're waiting (again) on DHS to give us some information, and nothing much is happening.

While on vacation, I did get the chance to observe some parenting "in the wild" as it were, take some mental notes, and discuss my ideas with various folks who have done the deed. I'm fascinated by the process of parenting, and honestly can't wait to take our required classes to see how they mesh with what I'm thinking.

Back to the phones and voicemail tag...

1 comment:

  1. Observing parenting in the wild is pretty dangerous, just so you know. I saw a women feeding a four year old baby food and telling him he was disgusting while we were out tonight.

    I'm not judging...not judging....
