Monday, March 14, 2011

The James Lipton Interview

I don't watch Inside the Actors Studio much, and I'm not really a fan, but on the occasions I have caught it, I've always been intrigued by his version of the Proust interview. I wish I was famous enough to have him run me through it, but I'm not, so I'll just inflict it on everyone here.

What is your favorite word?

There are a bunch of them, and I'm a fan of the more esoteric ones. I like words that are used in novels but rarely seem to appear in conversation. Words like "rout", "laud", and "spoor". But every time I hear this question I remember Mr. Marquis, a teacher I had in high school, who said his favorite word was "squeegee". I think about it so often that I'd have to say it's my favorite word too.

What is your least favorite word?

Baby... I can't explain it. I've always preferred words like "infant" or "toddler" or "child". Baby just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. It seems too cutesy. I've disliked it since I was a kid.

What turns you on?

When people rise above their own expectations

What turns you off?

Thoughtless criticism

What sound or noise do you love?

Laughter, especially a woman's laughter, provided it isn't of the mean-spirited or derisive variety.

What sound or noise do you hate?


What is your favorite curse word?

F***. It's a bad habit, and I'm sure I'll pay for it when I get some kidlets hanging around, but sometimes it just seems like no other word will do.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Personal trainer. I'd love to get paid to work out.

What profession would you not like to do?

Anything mind-numbing or that requires very little thought. I once worked on a small parts assembly line for all of about an hour. It nearly drove me insane.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Everybody else is here too.


  1. My favorite curse word is "bloody." It's not really bad here, but it's definitely bad somewhere else in the world.

    My favorite part of this interview is the last sentence.

  2. I like most noises that seem to drive other people a little nutters. Ticking clocks, rain on tin, squeaky porch swings, creaky steps...these noises are almost tangible in a way and they make me feel like the world wasn't meant to be Nerfed up and silenced. Show me a squeaky hinged screen door and I'll show you someone about to hide the WD40.

  3. Rain on a tin roof is awesome. So is the sound of a storm when you're inside and warm and safe.
